Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Portuguese Lessons Belfast

Portuguese Lessons Belfast Ever Wanted To Learn Portuguese In Belfast? ChaptersStudy Portuguese At UniversityTry Out Portuguese Lessons At A Language SchoolLearn Portuguese OnlineOther Ways To Learn PortuguesePortuguese is a brilliant language to learn. As one of the most spoken languages in the world, with around 200 million native speakers, there are plenty of people you can speak Portuguese with!Regardless of why you might be interested in learning Portuguese, it can be difficult to find a place where you can learn the language, especially if you’re an absolute beginner or an intermediate speaker.This is because Portuguese isn’t typically taught as a modern foreign language at schools, whether that’s at primary school or secondary school. This is because other languages, from French to Spanish and German, are generally preferred.So, if you want to improve your Portuguese skills, you need to look outside the box for a language tutor. This article outlines some of the ways you can learn Portuguese in Belfast.Phonetics;Transport; andThe weather, a mong others.Of course, if you are an advanced Portuguese speaker, or would really like to learn about the language in great depth, then there is the option to apply for a place at university to study Portuguese at degree-level.Queen’s University Belfast can also help in this regard and offers a number of degree programmes that include Portuguese, such as International Business with Portuguese, Spanish and Portuguese, French and Portuguese, and Archaeology and Portuguese.Language schools can help teach you basic greetings in Portuguese (Image Source: Pixabay)Try Out Portuguese Lessons At A Language SchoolIf studying a language at university doesn’t appeal, then you could also try your hand at improving your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in Portuguese at a language school.There are a few language schools in Belfast, such as Language Trainers, which offers Portuguese lessons in a number of formats, including:One to one general Portuguese lessons;One to one busine ss Portuguese lessons;Two to one and small group Portuguese lessons.So, whether you’d like to learn Portuguese for work-related reasons, or you want to learn the language for personal reasons (maybe to travel to Portugal or Brazil) you should be able to find a course.To give you a guideline of how much time you would need to commit to learning Portuguese, Language Trainers gives an estimate of the number of hours needed to reach a certain level:An elementary level would take around 30 hours;An intermediate level would take around 150 hours; andAn advanced level would take around 400 hours.Another language school you might like to research in Belfast is Listen Learn, which offers language lessons across the UK and Ireland.Like Language Trainers, Listen Learn offers a range of Portuguese courses depending on why you’d like to learn Portuguese.You can find face to face, one to one lessons for both general Portuguese and business Portuguese, as well as group lessons. Portuguese le ssons can also be held via Skype.Flexibility is emphasised with Listen Learn, as their website states:“You and your group can be trained by our native speaker qualified Portuguese teachers and can meet at your place of work or home at a time convenient to you. Tutorials can take place any day of the week, including weekends, and can be scheduled for the morning, afternoon or evening. If your home or office is not suitable for you, you can attend the lesson at the teacher's offices. You will be provided with all relevant lesson materials.”You might find that having Portuguese lessons in a group setting works better for you (Image Source: Pixabay)Learn Portuguese OnlineIf you’re looking for a more flexible way to learn a language, then you could also consider learning Portuguese, or another foreign language, online.There are plenty of resources available on the internet at price points to suit all budgets.The BBC, for example, offers some language learning resources for Portugu ese, such as “Talk Portuguese” â€" an online language course for beginners. The course covers a range of topics, including, but not limited to:Introductions;Ordering a meal or booking a table when eating out;Shopping for food;Transport and directions; andGreetings.Aside from the BBC, there are other ways to learn languages online or through your phone, with some popular examples highlighted below.BabbelBabbel is one of the most well-known language learning apps available. A paid-for service, Babbel offers:“Lessons crafted by language experts, and voiced by native speakers, [that] will get you ready for real-life  situations.”“Interactive dialogues [that] will give you the confidence to speak, and our speech recognition technology will help you get it  right.”“Curated review sessions [that] will reinforce what you’ve learned by bringing it back in new contexts, committing it to memory so you’ll never struggle for the right  words.”Babbel also offers short, easy to digest lessons, which tend to last 10 to 15 minutes, which is great if you’re time-poor but still want to get better at speaking Portuguese or learning the language more generally.Babbel also offers many different languages, such as Italian, German, Spanish, French, and Russian. So, if you’d like to learn another foreign language alongside Portuguese, Babbel can certainly help.DuolingoAnother popular language-learning resource is Duolingo.Like Babbel, lessons tend to be bite-size, making it easy to learn on the go, whether you’d like to learn about Portuguese grammar, the alphabet, or would like to expand your vocabulary in general.Other languages are also offered aside from Portuguese, such as Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, and Chinese.You can access a free version of Duolingo or choose a paid-for version that removes adverts and offers offline courses, among other things.MosaLinguaIf you’re after something a little bit different when learning Portuguese, you could try MosaLingua.The Portuguese course offers features such as:Over 3,600 vocabulary flashcards;A personalised learning programme;Learning tips; andVocabulary adapted to your level, whether you’re an absolute beginner or an advanced speaker.Apps that offer Portuguese lessons can be a great way to learn more about the Portuguese language (Image Source: Pixabay)Other Ways To Learn PortugueseLanguage apps and online language courses, such as those run by the BBC, can be really helpful if you’re new to a language or want to learn in a flexible way that suits a busy lifestyle.Additionally, while there are certain things you can learn relatively easily through an app, such as learning common greetings and sayings in Portuguese and learning basic vocabulary and grammar, there are some drawbacks.This is because, while an online course can help you improve your reading and writing skills in Portuguese, you might find it harder to develop your speaking and listening skills to the same level, unless the course incorporates exercises that practice these areas.Ideally, when learning Portuguese, you should have regular exposure to the language as it’s spoken, and you should also have the opportunity to speak in Portuguese as well. This is why having a Portuguese tutor that you can converse with while speaking Portuguese can be so beneficial, as a tutor:Can let you know if your pronunciation needs work;Can give you the opportunity to talk about new topics in Portuguese;Can improve your listening skills when you hear them speak to you in Portuguese; andCan make you feel more comfortable overall when listening to and speaking Portuguese.If you’re looking for a new Portuguese tutor to help you take the next step in your language learning journey, then you could consider tutoring websites such as Superprof. Superprof has tutors in Belfast that teach a wide array of subjects and languages, including Portuguese.If you have a particular preference as to whether you lear n Brazilian Portuguese or the Portuguese spoken in Portugal, let your tutor know as well and they’ll do what they can to help you.The benefits of having a Superprof tutor teach you Portuguese is increased flexibility, as you can have more choice when it comes to when to have your lessons, and you also have a greater voice when deciding what you’re taught.So if you’re looking to improve your business Portuguese, want to learn common greetings or basic sayings, want to revise the Portuguese alphabet and basic grammar, or would like someone to practice your speaking skills with, a Superprof tutor could help you.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Hidden Fears We face Around Sexual Harassment - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / The Hidden Fears We face Around Sexual Harassment - Introvert Whisperer The Hidden Fears We face Around Sexual Harassment Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!   Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

5 Tips for Women How to Lead a Balanced Life and Successful Career - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Tips for Women How to Lead a Balanced Life and Successful Career - Introvert Whisperer 5 Tips for Women How to Lead a Balanced Life and Successful Career In today’s modern world, there seems to be a better balance between the genders. It is almost a necessity for both men and women in the family to head off to work to keep up with living expenses, especially if there are kids in the picture. However, it seems that women are the ones whom often struggle between work and family obligations and other desires. Some women even feel they must choose work or family but not both. This is not the case at all. With these five tips for women how to lead a balanced life and have a successful career, work and family are both possible. 1.      Ask Your Employer About Flex Work This is a great option if you are seeking new employment since you will probably already be aware of your current employer’s stance on working from home. There are many employers that make use of workforce management software that allows employees  to work from home, at least some days of the week . You could take advantage of that opportunity and this will allow you to schedule your time around any family obligations within the daytime hours. You wouldn’t miss the school concert, a teacher interview or a hot yoga class you have wanted to enrol in for some time. Important to note about flex work is that your employer may require you to be online at particular intervals; you may need to upgrade your home PC setup; you may take a pay cut, at least for any hours worked from home. 2.      Get in Some “Me” Time Everyone talks about how important “me” time is for people, especially busy Mom’s but few women take this advice. Maybe you are having a hard time finding enough time to give yourself, or maybe you don’t know what to do with yourself. Whatever the case, you need to make yourself a priority just as you do your partner and/or children. Don’t get caught up in “what do I do?” First, schedule that “me” time right into your calendar. If you only have a 30-minute window free, give it to yourself. You don’t have to write down what you are doing, or where you are going, just write “ME”.  When you get to your “me” time in the day, think of a hobby or interest you have. Even if you just go sip a coffee or tea for a half hour and read the paper, this time of just you will be beneficial. Some rules for “me” time are important to note:                Can’t be used for grocery shopping or shopping for anyone else but yourself                Running errands is a no-no                Daily living or hygiene routines do not count (i.e. shower, blow drying hair, going to the bathroom)                Spouses or partners may not intrude upon this “me” timeâ€"this would be called “together time”                You cannot do any kind of workforce management during “me” time; i.e. no scheduling meetings, returning emails or answering phone calls. 3.      Take Dinner Out in the Morning There is nothing worse than getting home from a long day at work and then being faced with the decision of what to make for dinner. It just adds stress to what was already a stressful day and we all make poor food choices if we are tired, unmotivated and overwhelmed. Plan ahead by heading to the freezer for your choice of meat or other entrée so that it can be fully thawed by dinner and you already have a clear idea of where you are going with dinner. This also helps if you are running late and someone else can jump in and start dinner for you. Better still is if you can get dinner started in the morning using a slow cooker. You will arrive home to a fully cooked, delicious smelling meal. However, this means you will need to get up earlier in the morning so if you are not a morning person, skip this. 4.      Make it a Date! When I say date, I don’t only mean with your spouse but also with your kids if you have any. Just as you scheduled in “me” time, be sure to physically schedule in a time for your family members. It can be weekly, not necessarily daily. For example, pencil in for two hours on Saturday morning a trip to the park and a little picnic with a snack. This gives you something to look forward to for you and the family. Bring no work distractions with you when you are having date time with the family. This date time also transcends to your spouse. It is very important to stay connected as a couple and make time to be alone. This could be going to bed an hour early and just talking or cuddling, watching your favorite TV show together for an hour or it could be a formal date to show and dinner. Whatever you choose, make it happen at least three times a week. 5.      Ask for Help Asking for help is one of the hardest things to do for many women. It is often seen as a sign of weakness or neediness, but this is NOT true. In fact, the opposite! Asking for help shows that you understand your limitations and that you want to take charge of the situation before it gets unmanageable. Ask for help from your spouse/partner, your family and your friends. Don’t be discouraged if they cannot help, just ask another person until you get the help you need. Just remember you are not alone. Balancing a career and home life is completely possible if you have the determination and understanding that each has its place in your life. Following these five tips will put you on the right track to workforce management along with enjoying important home time with your family.   Author Bio Jamie is a mother to 8 children and an avid cook. She enjoys theatre from both the audience as well as being on stage. She has been writing stories ever since she could put pen to paper and still enjoys doing so today. Her passion for food has her often creating new recipes to try on her family, who are always happy to sample. Jamie graduated with a diploma in Social Services and has worked with children for most of her life. She now writes for Advancesystemsinc and help them in their content promotions. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Listening Exercise Two kinds of travelers

Listening Exercise Two kinds of travelers In our unit four of our 4Skills courses we explore the ideas of two different types of travelers. This listening exercise is about Robyn Davidson who travelled across the desert of Australia, alone with just her camels and dog. What kind of traveller are you?Answer the questions below in comments and we will respond.1. Why was his father so unsupportive of him being a photographer?2. What went wrong when he first arrived in Australia? Is he good with directions?3. What was the rule Robyn had in her house?4. What did Robyns friends think were going to happen to her?5. Why was Robyn embarrassed to ask him for a favor?6. What does he speculate draws people, specifically Robyn to adventure?7. How did she get her dog, Diggity?8. How far did Robyn walk and how far did Diggity walk a day?9. What was it like to have a conversation with Robyn? What did she think about American friendship?What kind of traveller are you? Would you make a journey like this? Is a journey like this suicidal? What do you think is the attraction to this type of travel?

The PSAT Tips and Tricks for Success - Private Tutoring

The PSAT Tips and Tricks for Success Amy W Sep 14, 2018 Find a Top Rated PSAT Near You! It's Simple and Secure - Get Real Results Fast. Find Expert Private Tutors at Reasonable Rates Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson Looking for some PSAT tips and tricks to ace the PSAT this year? The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, or PSAT, is usually taken in your freshman or sophomore year and while it doesn’t have any impact on your college applications, developing some of the best PSAT tips to help develop your confidence and improve your test results. Why Should I Take the PSAT? The most important thing about the PSAT is that it is used for many scholarship applications, including the National Merit Scholarship.   However, beyond that, the main reason to take the PSAT is to better prepare yourself for the SAT test that is looming on the horizon. Structure of the PSAT The PSAT underwent re-structuring in 2015 and is now a longer test, requiring 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete. The other significant change is that there are no longer five answer options, there are only four. There are three sections in the test: Reading, Writing and language, and Math The number of questions on each section are fairly evenly distributed, but the time allocated to each section varies. The bulk of your time is spent on reading and math, and just 35 minutes spent on writing and language. Now with this information you can adequately prepare for each section and adjust your study schedule based on your personal strengths and weaknesses. PSAT Tips and Tricks Now, if you dont know it by now (and you ought to) then listen carefully..any test that you are going to take requires preparation.   Do I need to repeat that? ??   Good! So now lets get into PSAT tips that can help you move the needle and increase that score! Be prepared Yes, that means reading this, reviewing what the test is like, topics covered and determining your strengths and weaknesses prior to taking the test. Get help whether thats in a study group or working with someone that can help with PSAT prep, its going to make a difference in your results.   Plus it will require you to take the time to prepare. Take a practice test Before you start actual studying, take a full test so that you know where you stand at the outset.   This will help with knowing your strengths and weaknesses before moving forward. Set goals we all do better if we have goals and objectives that were working towards.   Achievable goals of 20 30% better than when you first took the test isnt unreasonable (assuming you arent trying to prep for the PSAT in three days). When taking PSAT tests, make sure that you do it just like it would be done in the actual exam.   There are several reasons for this. First, you get more comfortable with the test taking environment. Secondly, youre results will be more on target with what you might actually do in the real exam. Review results This is critical!   With each test that you take, check and see where your results are improving and where you still might want to spend more time. As it gets closer to the actual date, increase the amount of time spent in areas where you are still weak. Prepare with SAT or PSAT books Since there is less available resources for the PSAT as compared to the SAT, incorporate some of the questions and review using SAT questions and resources.   The types of questions and information required will be very similar and can help you. To guess or not to guess That has been the question for years!   Now, guessing is better.   Theres no longer any penalty for guessing on the PSAT exam. Unknown answers Like we said above, guessing is better than blanks!   One tip to help, if its a total guess, guess the same letter for every question if you really have no idea on any answer.   This doesnt mean if you are down to 2 answers to guess D if you think it might be B or A.   But if you have no idea at all, choose one letter and every question that you find yourself in like that, always answer that letter. Statistically it will increase your chances of a few of those guessed answers being right. Spend time on question you can answer If a question isnt clear or youve got doubts, pick your default answer as we said in #9 and move on!   Got time at the end?   Come back to those that have default answers and see what you can do.   But nothing is worse than getting to the end of a test and having several unanswered questions because you ran out of time. Eliminate obvious answers Now, we kinda mentioned this above but lets be super clearcross out all wrong answers to see whats left.   Youll be amazed how many questions youll then be able to answer. Read, read, read, read, read If you like to read and practice reading youre going to be ahead of many students.   These tests require reading and the better, faster and more observant reader you are the better youre going to do.   Is that incentive enough to stop the video games and pick up a book? Review take a little time and review basic grammar with a teacher or online.   In addition, make sure to take a little time and review and memorize the basic math formulas that youve covered to date.   Practice a few problems on your calculator so that theres no struggle with it during the exam. How to Cram for the PSAT Yes, you can do that! Its just going to be an extremely concentrated review using the various tips we recommended above. Start?   Begin by taking a PSAT prep test.   Thats going to give you your basics and let you know where you stand.   Next, determine what resources youre going to use to prepare for the exam? You can find one of our PSAT tutors easily enough to help you cram and get tips that will make a difference or you can use review guides like these in the time youve got available. Allocate time no matter how many days youve got.   Every little bit does count and will make a difference. Incorporate any and all of our tips above into your study time leading up to the exam.   The more time, better focus you have, the better your results! Ok, weve come up with 13 PSAT Tips and Tricks to help you prepare for one of your first, of many, major test taking adventures.   By starting off on this path well prepared, youre setting yourself up for success not only on this test but on your future SAT test and other exams as well.   So spend some time, sleep, eat and get some exercise and you just might blow by the score results that you set for yourself!   Weve seen it happen before. We can help you find the best private tutor near you! It’s simple and secure â€" Get real results fast. Your first hour with any tutor is protected by our Good Fit Guarantee: You don't pay for tutoring unless you find a good fit. Choose Your Subject â€" Add Your Zip Code â€" Find Top Rated Tutors Starting Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson

The Indirect Effects of Independent Reading

The Indirect Effects of Independent Reading Improving Academic Performance “The amount of free reading done outside of school has consistently been found to relate to growth in vocabulary, reading comprehension, verbal fluency, and general information. Students who read independently become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than those who do not. -Research Journal of the American Association of School Librarians The indirect effects of independent reading are well documented and, in some ways, almost obvious. You can split the effects into two categories: direct and indirect. The direct effects are perhaps the most obvious. The more you read, the more information you’ll accumulate about a variety of topics. If you read about finance, you’ll learn finance. If you read history, you’ll learn more history. If you aren’t a great public speaker, obviously reading a public speaking book can help you improve. In addition, your vocabulary naturally expands, regardless of what you’re reading. Even if you are only reading fiction, you’ll still learn about people, places, concepts, ideas, etc. that apply in the real world. The indirect effects of increased reading are less obvious, but perhaps more important. By reading more, even more fiction, you naturally will improve your command of the English language (spelling, grammar, usage, etc.), reading comprehension skills, ability to apply logic, understanding of cause and effect, and more. In fact, the benefits of reading independently can be downright surprising. According to the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, there is a strong correlation between independent reading and mathematics achievement. Studies show reading and writing skills not only lead to general academic success, but are also directly valued by colleges and employers as high as almost any other factor. At the same time, we see the average 12th grade reading scores declining in the U.S. between 1992 and 2005. The most surprising study I’ve found was conducted by Dr Alice Sullivan and Matt Brown, who analyzed the reading behavior of approximately 6,000 young people being followed by the 1970 British Cohort Study, which is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. According to the Institute of Education University of London’s review of that report, “reading for pleasure was found to be more important for children's cognitive development between ages 10 and 16 than their parents' level of education. The combined effect on children's progress of reading books often, going to the library regularly and reading newspapers at 16 was four times greater than the advantage children gained from having a parent with a degree.” Interesting, and luckily or unluckily depending on your situation, the reading comprehension skills can be much more difficult to build quickly. At MyGuru, when we’re helping students prepare for standardized tests, we tend to find that, paradoxically, the most stressed out students are those that are really struggling with the math section of the ACT, SAT, GRE, or GMAT, but those that are truly lacking basic math skills can be the easiest students to help. “We can teach you how to solve quadratic equations by “completing the square” if you’ve forgotten most of the algebra you learned in high school. We can teach you any math that you once learned and have now forgotten. We can even teach you a lot of math that you never learned in the first place. Unfortunately, we cannot re-teach you how to read and comprehend…improving your reading comprehension skills takes time, persistence, and focused practice.” John Easter - Senior GMAT, GRE, ACT, and SAT tutor for MyGuru (John holds a B.A. in English and B.A. in Mathematics, Indiana University-Bloomington, and M.A. in Mathematics) What does it mean to read intentionally? You’ll get the most benefit out of reading more if you do so intentionally. There are actually two contexts in which to interpret what this means, and it goes back to the direct vs. indirect distinction we made above. First, you are reading intentionally if you know you aren’t great at managing your schedule and being organized, and so you buy a book about personal productivity, making to-do lists, using calendar tools, etc. However, you are also reading intentionally if you know that, in 3, 6, 12, 24, or 48 months you’ll be taking a standardized test with a “verbal” component. So, with that in mind, you stop yourself while reading and ask questions like: What was the author’s main point? What evidence does his use to support that point? What type of evidence could be used to challenge the point? Etc. Or, on an even simpler level, I know that a magazine like the Economist is not always easy reading. Even when I try to read it, I sometimes find myself losing the point, but continuing with the article, just trying to pick up whatever info I can, to say that I read it. To read intentionally would always be to challenge yourself to stop, think critically about what you’ve read to ensure you understand the logic, and move on only once you’ve truly understood the paragraph, article, or chapter. You can do this while sitting in a room with your parents, friends, girlfriend, or spouse. They don’t need to know that you’re not just reading, you’re reading intentionally to build your comprehension and critical thinking skills. How to learn more? I’d recommend reading the New York Times, Economist, or Wall Street Journal, anything non-fiction, that you’re interested in, and in particular, historical fiction. Historical fiction is set in contexts which are real, but which involved characters and plots that are fictional. So, they are the best of both worlds in a sense. You can learn a lot of real information, while also being highly entertained. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, 'f08a3c58-464f-4164-a82e-313b7951bbb2', {});

How to Create a Vision Board with your Children for the New Year [Infographic]

How to Create a Vision Board with your Children for the New Year [Infographic] How to Create a Vision Board with your Children for the New Year [Infographic] The beginning of the year is the perfect opportunity to discuss the importance of goal setting with your child. Reviewing topics such as planning, inspiration, and time management will help them set reasonable objectives for the new year. An interesting way to help your child outline their goals is by creating a visual representation with them. Here’s how you can get started creating a vision board with your child: You might also be interested in: Ring in the New Year with Kumon’s Goal Setting Tips Roundup Ace the School Year with Kumons Study Tips Roundup 6 Easy Ways to Ace the School Year Meet Michael, a 12-year-old Studying Advanced Algebra after One Year in Kumon How to Create a Vision Board with your Children for the New Year [Infographic] How to Create a Vision Board with your Children for the New Year [Infographic] The beginning of the year is the perfect opportunity to discuss the importance of goal setting with your child. Reviewing topics such as planning, inspiration, and time management will help them set reasonable objectives for the new year. An interesting way to help your child outline their goals is by creating a visual representation with them. Here’s how you can get started creating a vision board with your child: You might also be interested in: Ring in the New Year with Kumon’s Goal Setting Tips Roundup Ace the School Year with Kumons Study Tips Roundup 6 Easy Ways to Ace the School Year Meet Michael, a 12-year-old Studying Advanced Algebra after One Year in Kumon

Model United Nations At Harvard and in California - TutorNerds

Model United Nations At Harvard and in California - TutorNerds Model United Nations Opportunities At Harvard and in California                     via: Wikipedia Students from around the country are now able to apply to participate in the Harvard Model United Nations experience. Registration for the next session is scheduled to open on or about May 1st of this year and students who have an interest in being a part of Model United Nations and would like a chance to work with some of the best internationally-minded students from around the country should check it out. This is also a great opportunity for local Orange County high school students to get a taste of the Ivy League experience. In addition to learning from one of the best universities in America, students will have the opportunity to visit the exciting city of Boston. Current MUN students have plenty of time to plan and talk to their faculty advisors prior to May but the application process is likely to be grueling so don’t wait! Participating in Harvard Model United Nations is a wonderful way for high school students from around the country to gain experience understanding what world leaders struggle through on a daily basis. In a time when parts of the world are in constant conflict, its important for Americas emerging generation to empathize with the complexity of working in the fields of political science or international relations or simply to be empathetic and global citizens (READ: Extra Curricular Activities For Your College Resume). Important dates to remember: May 1st (approximate) Online registration opens May 7th (approximate) The financial aid application is available May 28th (approximate) Priority registration deadline October 1st (approximate) Special committee applications are due October 8th (approximate) Regular registration deadline and financial aid applications due Check out their website throughout the year for important updates.  West Coast Students As part of the prospective HMUN team, student delegates may request a country that they wish to represent, however, it’s not guaranteed that any particular student or school will receive the country that they requested. Although going to Boston to represent a local high school is a fabulous opportunity and resume builder, many California-based students would like an experience closer to home. West coast students can apply to be part of one of two Model United Nation conferences in Los Angeles hosted by UCLA. UCLA offers two different Model United Nation experiences: The BruinMUN in the fall, which is a high school conference and the LAMUN in the spring, which is a college level Conference. Regardless of which part of the country a student is based in, joining a Model United Nations club in high school is a great way to not only impress potential college admissions departments but also to become an experienced and global citizen at a young age. The majority of teenagers don’t have the opportunity to be Globetrotters at such a young age, due to the fact that they have a significant amount of obligations to their education right here at home (READ: How to Get an A Before the End of the Term). Participating in Model UN is a great way to have an international experience without ever leaving the state. Although any global exercise in empathy is a great opportunity, college students and adults with the means to do so are strongly encouraged to visit foreign countries in person when they are able to do so. Many internationally-minded college-level and grad school students choose to do a semester abroad or a year abroad as a way to see the world through all five senses. With finals, AP tests, and ACT/SAT on the horizon, now is the time to book your Orange County private academic tutor. Contact us today! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at pr@tutornerds.com for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.