Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Tips for Women How to Lead a Balanced Life and Successful Career - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Tips for Women How to Lead a Balanced Life and Successful Career - Introvert Whisperer 5 Tips for Women How to Lead a Balanced Life and Successful Career In today’s modern world, there seems to be a better balance between the genders. It is almost a necessity for both men and women in the family to head off to work to keep up with living expenses, especially if there are kids in the picture. However, it seems that women are the ones whom often struggle between work and family obligations and other desires. Some women even feel they must choose work or family but not both. This is not the case at all. With these five tips for women how to lead a balanced life and have a successful career, work and family are both possible. 1.      Ask Your Employer About Flex Work This is a great option if you are seeking new employment since you will probably already be aware of your current employer’s stance on working from home. There are many employers that make use of workforce management software that allows employees  to work from home, at least some days of the week . You could take advantage of that opportunity and this will allow you to schedule your time around any family obligations within the daytime hours. You wouldn’t miss the school concert, a teacher interview or a hot yoga class you have wanted to enrol in for some time. Important to note about flex work is that your employer may require you to be online at particular intervals; you may need to upgrade your home PC setup; you may take a pay cut, at least for any hours worked from home. 2.      Get in Some “Me” Time Everyone talks about how important “me” time is for people, especially busy Mom’s but few women take this advice. Maybe you are having a hard time finding enough time to give yourself, or maybe you don’t know what to do with yourself. Whatever the case, you need to make yourself a priority just as you do your partner and/or children. Don’t get caught up in “what do I do?” First, schedule that “me” time right into your calendar. If you only have a 30-minute window free, give it to yourself. You don’t have to write down what you are doing, or where you are going, just write “ME”.  When you get to your “me” time in the day, think of a hobby or interest you have. Even if you just go sip a coffee or tea for a half hour and read the paper, this time of just you will be beneficial. Some rules for “me” time are important to note:                Can’t be used for grocery shopping or shopping for anyone else but yourself                Running errands is a no-no                Daily living or hygiene routines do not count (i.e. shower, blow drying hair, going to the bathroom)                Spouses or partners may not intrude upon this “me” timeâ€"this would be called “together time”                You cannot do any kind of workforce management during “me” time; i.e. no scheduling meetings, returning emails or answering phone calls. 3.      Take Dinner Out in the Morning There is nothing worse than getting home from a long day at work and then being faced with the decision of what to make for dinner. It just adds stress to what was already a stressful day and we all make poor food choices if we are tired, unmotivated and overwhelmed. Plan ahead by heading to the freezer for your choice of meat or other entrée so that it can be fully thawed by dinner and you already have a clear idea of where you are going with dinner. This also helps if you are running late and someone else can jump in and start dinner for you. Better still is if you can get dinner started in the morning using a slow cooker. You will arrive home to a fully cooked, delicious smelling meal. However, this means you will need to get up earlier in the morning so if you are not a morning person, skip this. 4.      Make it a Date! When I say date, I don’t only mean with your spouse but also with your kids if you have any. Just as you scheduled in “me” time, be sure to physically schedule in a time for your family members. It can be weekly, not necessarily daily. For example, pencil in for two hours on Saturday morning a trip to the park and a little picnic with a snack. This gives you something to look forward to for you and the family. Bring no work distractions with you when you are having date time with the family. This date time also transcends to your spouse. It is very important to stay connected as a couple and make time to be alone. This could be going to bed an hour early and just talking or cuddling, watching your favorite TV show together for an hour or it could be a formal date to show and dinner. Whatever you choose, make it happen at least three times a week. 5.      Ask for Help Asking for help is one of the hardest things to do for many women. It is often seen as a sign of weakness or neediness, but this is NOT true. In fact, the opposite! Asking for help shows that you understand your limitations and that you want to take charge of the situation before it gets unmanageable. Ask for help from your spouse/partner, your family and your friends. Don’t be discouraged if they cannot help, just ask another person until you get the help you need. Just remember you are not alone. Balancing a career and home life is completely possible if you have the determination and understanding that each has its place in your life. Following these five tips will put you on the right track to workforce management along with enjoying important home time with your family.   Author Bio Jamie is a mother to 8 children and an avid cook. She enjoys theatre from both the audience as well as being on stage. She has been writing stories ever since she could put pen to paper and still enjoys doing so today. Her passion for food has her often creating new recipes to try on her family, who are always happy to sample. Jamie graduated with a diploma in Social Services and has worked with children for most of her life. She now writes for Advancesystemsinc and help them in their content promotions. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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